Reducing static rotorblade flap
Built by Gyro Jake and installed on Rick Martins machine. The idea for the gyrocopter cyclic lock of course, is that when the stick lock is engaged it puts enough forward pressure on the stick to activate the rotor brake. The gyrocopter cyclic lock helps steady your gyro and protects the mast head from excessive blade flap.
It still keeps the stick from flopping back and forth when the wind catches the rotors. And this in turn keeps the rotors much more stationary when parked. You’ll have to add “disengage stick lock” to your pre-flight check list. Don’t ask me how I know.

Article Name
Cyclic Lock by Gyro Jake & Rick Martin
DescriptionGyrocopter cyclic stick lock for static and ground operations. The gyrocopter cyclic lock protects the mast head from excessive blade flap.
Gyro Jake & Rick Martin
Publisher Name
Build A Gyrocopter
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