May 2018

The Corvair Engine Syndrome

ARTICLE DATE: December 1974 HAVE YOU SEEN that guy next door with a Corvair engine mounted on a stand, turning a propeller with a gearbox…

History Of The Limbach Engine

ARTICLE DATE: August 1974 Herr Limbach’s Flying Beetles SICHER, ZUVERLAESSIG, SPORTLICH, and sparsam, which translates from German into safe, reliable, sporting, and economical. This not…

Lake Injector Fuel System

ARTICLE DATE: July 1974 It has been several months since Oshkosh ’73 and the EAA’s first look at the Lake Injector Fuel system. The response…

Sleek New JT-5 From Finland

ARTICLE DATE: February 1974 On January 7, 1973 a new autogyro, the JT-5, designed by Mr. Jukka Tervamaki from Finland, flew for the first time….