Flying The Rotor

If you follow the postings in the “Forum,” or talk with pilots in general and gyro pilots in particular about how the controls of a…

Arrowcopter Gyrocopter

Loving the Arrowcopter Gyrocopter : The love of Rotary wing flight is a common bond that draws us to this (Rotary Wing) Forum from around…

Gyrocopter Flight Helmets

What type of gyrocopter flight helmets do YOU use? This is a question I posed on the Rotary Wing Forum recently, and I got quite…

Auto Engine Conversion Reliability

Tech: MPS vs. Reliability There are many factors which go into predicting the lifespan of four-stroke piston engines used in applications other than those for…

The Story Of The Bumble Bee Gyrocopter

In 1982, the production of light, two stroke engines for snow-mobiles allowed aircraft enthusiasts to build light aircraft called ultralights. These two stroke engines usually…